Read this article to find the full collection of Practice Success tips we’ve shared over the past several weeks.
Updated 6/24/20
To help your team prepare to bounce back from COVID-19, we’re providing practical tips you can share with your business partners and team members. We don’t know when the crisis will end, but we’re committed to helping you manage through it and come out of it better prepared to serve your patients.
- Bounce Back Tip #6: Refer Patients with COVID-19 Symptoms to a Medical Provider
- Bounce Back Tip #5: Share Your Plans with Your Patients
- Bounce Back Tip #4: 3 Ways to Prep Your Schedule for Patients
- Bounce Back Tip #3: Prepare for Treatment Triage
- Bounce Back Tip #2: Don’t Leave Insurance Money on the Table
- Bounce Back Tip #1: Explore Sources of Finacial Relief
- Bonus Bounce Back Tip: Dentrix Enterprise Training For Your Team
Bounce Back Tip #6: Refer Patients with COVID-19 Symptoms to a Medical Provider
COVID-19 screening is rapidly becoming part of the “new normal” during the patient intake experience. The ADA released a Return to Work Interim Guidance Toolkit with helpful suggestions, including a recommended pre-appointment screening process.
During screening, some of your patients may report or display symptoms associated with COVID-19. When this occurs, you may want to postpone the dental appointment and immediately refer the patient to a medical provider.
Share these tips with your team and help them prepare your patients and practice to bounce back from COVID-19.
- Sending a Patient Referral to a Medical Provider
- Adding a Medical Consultation to a Patient’s Record
- Breaking an Appointment with a Reason
For more tips, please visit our COVID-19 Resources.
Bounce Back Webinars
If you missed our recent COVID-19 workflow webinars, you can still view them on demand. Click the links below.
Adapting Patient Workflows to Address COVID-19 Impacts
Setting Up Patient Workflows to Address COVID-19
Bounce Back Tip #5: Share Your Plans with Your Patients
As you prepare to re-open your organization, you will need to make some adjustments to help keep your patients and team safe. You’ll have to consider enhanced infection control processes and ways to encourage social distancing. The ADA released a Return to Work Interim Guidance Toolkit with helpful suggestions. One of the suggestions is to send your patients a letter reassuring them that it’s safe to visit your clinics.
With Dentrix Enterprise, you can create a custom “welcome back” message to be mailed as a letter or sent as email to your patients. Sharing your plans with your patients may help them feel safer coming back to the office.
Share these tips with your team and help them prepare your practice to bounce back from COVID-19.
For more tips, please visit our COVID-19 Resources.
Bounce Back Tip #4: 3 Ways to Prep Your Schedule for Patients
You care about your patients. Some of them are your close friends. Some even feel like family. We go out of our way for the people we care about. When you open your doors and begin seeing patients again, you may need to go out of your way for them.
For example, you may need to open earlier, stay open later, or see patients on weekends. You may want to reserve an operatory or blocks of time for patients who have a higher risk of becoming ill. And you may need to add time between appointments for extra sterilization measures to help keep your patients safe.
Dentrix Enterprise makes it easy to adjust your practice and provider schedules. Share these tips with your team and help them prepare your practice to bounce back from COVID-19.
Watch the on-demand webinar to see a demonstration of how to use these features. Click here to watch the video.
For more tips, please visit our COVID-19 Resources.
Bounce Back Tip #3: Prepare for Treatment Triage
When you open your doors and begin seeing patients again, you’re going to have a backlog of patient care. You’ll need way to prioritize patient needs before you start scheduling. Dentrix Enterprise includes tools to help you identify patients with urgent treatment plans, patients who are overdue for periodontal treatment, and patients who are willing to come in ASAP. Share these tips with your team and help them prepare your practice to bounce back from COVID-19.
Watch the on-demand webinar to see a demonstration of how to use these features. Click here to watch the video.
For more tips, please visit our COVID-19 Resources.
Bounce Back Tip #2: Don’t Leave Money on the Table
Sustaining your business operations requires income. Even if you aren’t treating or billing patients right now, you can still capture some income by conducting an audit of your insurance billing records and following up on open claims. Share these tips with your team to help sustain your practice while you prepare to bounce back from COVID-19.
For more tips, please visit our COVID-19 Resources.
Bounce Back Tip #1: Financial Relief for your Dental Practice
Securing financial relief for your practice may be essential to help you support your team and eventually bounce back from COVID-19. The Federal Government passed the CARES Act legislation on March 27, 2020, allocating $349 billion to the Small Business Administration to guarantee loans to small businesses, including dental practices. Share and discuss these resources with your team to learn more about sources of financial relief for your practice.
Federal CARES Act Overview and Key Provisions
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
Coronavirus Federal Tax Relief
Henry Schein Financial Services Programs
Financial Survival for Dental Practices During COVID-19 (On-Demand Webinar)
For more tips, please visit our COVID-19 Resources.
Bonus Bounce Back Tip: Dentrix Enterprise Training For Your Team
To help your team develop the skills they’ll need to help your practice bounce back, send them to the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center where they can take the Financial Essentials online course. It’s included in your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan. Watch our video and see how easy it is to get started.
Prepare your team today to help your practice bounce back tomorrow.