At times you will need to break an appointment — when a patient calls in sick, for bad weather, or any number of reasons. It is important that you keep a record of when this happens. Dentrix Enterprise makes it easy to not only record when an appointment is broken but the reason why it had to be broken.
How To
- Right-click the appointment you need to break.
- From the shortcut menu, click Break Appointment.

- From the Reason list, select the appropriate reason for breaking the appointment.

NOTE: The broken appointment reasons can be modified in Practice Definitions from the Office Manager.
The appointment is removed from the Appointment Book and is added to the Unscheduled List. When you work through your Unscheduled List to fill holes in your schedule, you can conveniently see why the original appointment was broken.

Additional Information
- To learn more about breaking an appointment in the Appointment Book, view the Breaking appointments Help topic.
- To learn more about Dentrix Enterprise, visit the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center. Both the knowledgebase and training videos are included with your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan.