You get to work in the morning, check your voicemail, and notice you have multiple requests from patients wanting to come in for treatment. What’s the best way to track and manage those requests? Introducing the Dentrix Enterprise Treatment Request Manager, which was released in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9.
The Dentrix Enterprise Treatment Request Manager helps you store and manage patient treatment requests submitted to your website or left on your voicemail. Now when a patient leaves a request for an appointment, you can keep a record in the Treatment Request Manager and manage all treatment requests from one screen. No more lost sticky notes!

To add a new treatment request:
- In the Office Manager, from the File menu, click Treatment Request Manager. Or you can click the Treatment Request Manager button on the toolbar.
- Click the Add Treatment Request button.
- Select a patient.
- Enter the appropriate information for this treatment request, such as:
- The request date
- A description of the request
- The type of request (customizable in Practice Definitions)
- Severity
- Treatment request status (customizable in Practice Definitions)
- And whether or not the request has been reviewed by a provider
- Click Add to save the request.
- Or, click Create Appt. to save the treatment request and schedule an appointment for it (you can always schedule the request at a later time).

You can also add and manage treatment requests from the More Information window. Open the Treatment Requests Tab, and then add a new request or edit the patient’s current requests. You can schedule the appointment from the More Information window as well.
Additional Information
- View the Treatment Request Manager video to learn more.
- View the online help file for Treatment Request Manager.