Access to learning resources is important when building a confident, successful team.

If we know one thing about dental clinics, it’s that they stay busy every single day. We also know that there is not a lot of extra time or resources available to provide formal training for every team member. 

However, nothing contributes to your organization’s success better than a well-trained team. Your team is an integral part of your organization, and lack of training can quickly lead to employee frustration and burnout. One of the ways you can prevent a frustrated team is to ensure they are equipped to perform their jobs confidently and accurately. This includes providing access to training and education resources to help them do the best job possible. 

A One-stop Resource Library With You in Mind

Whether you have a designated trainer in your organization, or training is done peer-to-peer, we can help you build a more confident and productive team. Below, you will find a list of all the training resources available for continual education and training.  

If you have a Dentrix Enterprise customer service plan, you have access to the entire library of Dentrix Enterprise learning resources at your fingertips. 

Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center

The Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center is stocked with training resources, reference guides, and video tutorials to support your training efforts.

  • Knowledgebase & Documentation 

In the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center, you can access the support knowledgebase articles to find answers to your Dentrix Enterprise questions and download Dentrix Enterprise documentation, such as new release guides, on how to use the new tools released in the latest software updates. These guides can help you train your team on the newest tools available in each software upgrade, such as the Scheduling Assistant, ePrescribe, new reports, and more!

  • Essentials Course Video Library 

Our online library of video tutorials and training content inside the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center can help support you in your in-house training efforts. Sign in with your Customer Service ID; then, create a log-in under Get Your Training, and you’ll have full access to our library of course content that includes video tutorials, links to how-to guides, and more. This library of Dentrix Enterprise Essentials courses is available to you 24-7. 

Help Files 

Our online library of software help topics is designed to quickly answer your Dentrix Enterprise questions “just in time”— that is, right when you need it.  

Dentrix Enterprise Blog 

The Dentrix Enterprise Blog shares software tips that are relevant to both administrative and clinical staff. Posts include links to the online help files, which provide more information and step-by-step instructions. Subscribe to the blog to receive these tips directly in your inbox. 

Dentrix Enterprise Newsletter 

Stay on top of what’s new with Dentrix Enterprise by signing up for the newsletter. With the Dentrix Enterprise newsletter, you’ll receive directly in your inbox the latest software tips, industry articles, product updates, and partner spotlights to help your practice stay on top of the industry.

Custom Training 

If you need more training help, bring an expert into your practice to train your team on Dentrix Enterprise. You can submit a request for custom training from our team of certified Dentrix Enterprise Trainers.

We are confident that, if you use these Dentrix Enterprise resources as part of your staff’s continuing education, it will help increase their software knowledge, boost their confidence, and make them more productive employees. Combine these resources with your own in-house training materials to build a more confident team.