In a previous post, we covered all the different types of scheduling notes you can add for a patient in Dentrix Enterprise. In this post, we are going to cover patient information notes. While you could argue that every kind of note could technically be called “patient information,” keep in mind that in future posts we will still be covering financial notes, insurance notes, and clinical notes. Patient information notes deal with those notes that are specific to individual patients, but not tied to specific treatment they have received.
Let’s take a closer look!
Patient Information Notes
Document Note
Each time you add a document or image to the Document Center, you can attach a note to the file as part of the Document Information dialog box. You can use this note to clarify information about the document being saved. The note can be up to 1000 characters in length. For more information, see the Entering document information Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Office Journal Notes
Notes in the Office Journal have two main functions: to keep a record of past events and to remind you of events in the future. It can help streamline your communication process and help maintain effective record organization. Dentrix Enterprise adds automatic notes to the Office Journal, and you can manually add the following notes: Phone Call, Reminder, Miscellaneous, and HIPAA Privacy. For more information about the Office Journal and how it can benefit your clinic, see the Making the Most of the Office Journal in Dentrix Enterprise blog post.

Patient Note
Patient notes apply only to an individual patient, and can be used to keep track of personal information about the patient that doesn’t belong in more specific areas. For example, you might include information about hobbies, preferences, family situations, etc. You can choose to print patient notes on the route slip, and can hide them from displaying in the Family File. For more information, see the Adding and editing patient notes Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Patient Alert Note
Patient alerts are pop-up messages to remind you of important information. You can set a time limit on patient alerts so that you only see the alert when the information is timely, and you can select which tasks in Dentrix Enterprise activate the alert so that you only see the alert when it is pertinent. Each patient can have up to 10 alerts. For additional information, refer to the Creating patient alerts Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Additional Information
- Each time you log on to Dentrix Enterprise, patient notes are hidden for all patients by default. To view a patient note, click the View button in the Patient Notes field. To hide the note, click the Hide button. (When you click View, the button label changes to “Hide”).
- View the Entering a Patient Note, Creating a Patient Alert, and Entering Document Information Essentials videos to learn more about these features.
- To learn more about Dentrix Enterprise, visit the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center. Both the Knowledgebase and Enterprise Essentials Training Videos are included with your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan.