Part of every clinic’s daily routine is to check if there were any treatment requests left for their site via after-hours voicemails, referrals, or online forms. Some clinics use paper or sticky notes to track those requests. Or maybe you use some note in Dentrix Enterprise as a way to track treatment requests. What both those methods lack is a way to manage all your treatment requests from one central location. Well, no longer.
The Treatment Request Manager is the tool that can store and manage all the requests for treatment that come in to your clinics. The Treatment Request Manager, new in 8.0.9, can benefit your office in the following ways:
- Improve workflows for capturing, recording, and scheduling appointments for all your treatment requests
- Centrally manage all your treatment requests from one location
- Easily turn a treatment request into a scheduled appointment
- Based on your organization’s policies, you can review a request before or after an appointment is scheduled
- Set up customizable statuses and request types to help your clinic organize and prioritize patient treatment requests
How To Use the Treatment Request Manager
Open the Treatment Request Manager
- In the Office Manager, click on the Treatment Request Manager button

Add Treatment Requests
- Click the Add Treatment Request button
- Select a patient.
- From the New – Treatment Request dialog box opens, enter the applicable information about the treatment request.

- Do one of the following:
- To save the treatment request, click Add.
- To save the treatment request and schedule an appointment, click Create Appt. The appointment can also be scheduled at a later time.
Marking Treatment Requests as Reviewed
- Select a treatment request.
- Click the Edit – Treatment Request button
- Check the Reviewed check box. Today’s date will show by default. If necessary, you can change the date.

- Click the Provider search button
to select the provider who reviewed the treatment request.
- Change the Status.
- Add additional notes if necessary.
- Click Update or Create Appt.
Create an Appointment from a Treatment Request
- Select a treatment request.
- Click the Edit – Treatment Request button
- Click Create Appt.
- Select the appropriate clinic view and click OK.
- Enter the appointment details and schedule the appointment.
Tip: If more than one treatment request applies to the same appointment, select both by using the CTRL key and then click the Create Appointment button .
Linking Treatment Requests to Appointments
- In the Appointment Book, double-click an appointment.
- Click the Tx Request search button.

- Select the treatment request(s) that you want to link to the appointment. You can select multiple requests using the CTRL key.
- Click OK.
- Click OK on the appointment information window.
Additional Information
- Clicking the patient’s name in the Treatment Request Manager will open their More Information window. You can also add and edit Treatment Requests from the More Information window.
- You can also schedule appointments for existing treatment requests from the Scheduling Assistant.
- View the Feature Overview video on the Treatment Request Manager in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 to learn more.
- View the Treatment Request Manager section of the Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 Release Guide to learn more about this feature.
- To learn more about Dentrix Enterprise, visit the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center. Both the Knowledgebase and Enterprise Training Videos are included with your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan.