When a patient arrives, several things need to happen quickly to get them seated and ready for treatment. The Dentrix Enterprise More Information window provides a convenient dashboard of patient information available at your fingertips.
The More Information window provides universal access to patient data, treatment information, and time-saving features you need in order to treat patients efficiently. The window also includes a customizable view of informational tabs, reducing the time and effort it takes to look up patient information so you can get back to providing your patients exceptional care.
Here are 10 ways the More Information window can make managing patient information simpler:

1. Add a current patient photo.
With a few clicks, you can import a photo as part of your patient’s file. This can be extremely helpful for patient identification.
2. View patient summary information.
The Summary tab displays the patient’s dental and medical insurance information, patient tags, future appointments, and continuing care. It also displays billing and finance information, such as outstanding insurance claims, balances, and suspended credits for the patient and any family members.
3. Schedule new appointments, and view scheduled and past appointments.
The Appointments tab provides a comprehensive view of both past and future appointments. You can also choose to hide past or unscheduled appointments for a customized view. From this tab you can also schedule an appointment, locate an existing appointment, and access the Appointment Book.
4. View existing, treatment planned and completed treatments.
From the Procedures tab and the Treatment Planner tab, you can view completed, treatment-planned, and existing procedures for patient work done in your clinic or in an outside facility. You can also choose to include rejected procedures in the display. You can access the Patient Chart, Ledger, and Treatment Planner modules from these tabs.
5. View incoming requests for dental consultations.
From the Treatment Request tab you can view incoming requests for dental consultations or treatment from your patients You can also schedule an appointment for the patient and update the status of a treatment request.
6. View, add and edit patient medical alerts.
The Medical Alerts tab allows you to view and sync problem, allergy, and medication (PAM) information in the patient’s combined dental and medical record. This tab also displays the patient’s smoking status with the most current date of review. You can also add and edit medical alerts by clicking the Medical Alerts/Problems button on the toolbar.
7. View patient health assessment data.
From the Health Assessments tab, you can view all health assessment data entered for the patient by each date of entry. Add a new health assessment by clicking the Patient Health Assessment button.
8. Review patient medical history.
You can review patient medical history at a glance to update clinical staff and providers ahead of time on any changes to medical history, helping to ensure safe treatment of the patient.
9. Access patient documents in the Document Center.
From the toolbar, you can access the Document Center module to view all documents associated with the patient.
10. Customize the More Information window by selecting the tabs you want to include or exclude.
The More Information window features several useful tabs to display patient data in a single location. These tabs can be shown or hidden according to your needs using the window settings.
You can access a patient’s More Information window from most modules in Dentrix Enterprise, including the Family File, Ledger, Patient Chart, Treatment Planner, Document Center, Appointment Book. and Office Manager.
Additional Information
- View the More Information Overview Help file to learn more.