Do you ever wish you could see all of your patients who need treatment scheduled in one window? With the Scheduling Assistant, your wishes for an all-in-one tool have been granted! As of Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9, all of your scheduling reports are combined into one window, so you can easily find those patients who need appointments to fill the holes in your schedule.
Think of the Scheduling Assistant as a smart scheduling tool that combines the following information into a single window:
- Broken or unscheduled appointments
- Due or overdue for Continuing Care
- Unscheduled treatment plans or treatment requests
- ASAP appointments
How To
Set Up Filters
1. From the Office Manager, click the Scheduling Assistant button on the toolbar.
Filter the list of patients to suit your preferences by selecting the radio button next to each filter type.

Tip: Changes made to the filter settings are saved for the next time you access the list. The filter settings are user specific, so each user can have his or her own filter settings to suit their preferences.
2. Select All clinics and providers, or click the Clinics: and Prov: search buttons to narrow your results.
3. You can customize the filter settings by clicking the filter name. For example, click Continuing Care to see the filter dialog box and make changes to the filter options.
Note: You can quickly see how many patient records are included in each filter by the blue number shown in brackets.

Note: When selecting and clearing check boxes, the list of results will not be updated until you click the Refresh/Apply button .
Copy The List
1. To copy and paste the record into another program such as a spreadsheet, click the Copy Selected to Clipboard button at the bottom of the Scheduling Assistant window .
Tip: To select multiple records, press Ctrl on your keyboard while selecting the desired records.
2. Paste the results into the selected program.
View the Details of a Patient Record
1. Select a patient name in the list window, and the details of the record appear in the right side of the window.
Note: The details that appear on the right side of the window vary depending on the type of record selected.
2. As you contact patients from your list, you may want to make a note of your communication with them. To add an entry in the Office Journal for the patient, click the number link in the right-hand column to access the patient’s Office Journal.

3. If you want to see additional information about the patient, such as their insurance or balance, click the patient’s name to open the patient’s More Information window.

Create an Appointment
1. To schedule an appointment from the Scheduling Assistant, select a patient from the list and click the Create Appointment button .
Note: When you create an appointment from the Scheduling Assistant, some details will automatically carry over to the appointment. For example, if this was a continuing care appointment, the continuing care type and assigned provider are attached to the appointment automatically. Or, if this was a broken appointment, the original appointment details, such as the provider, reason, description, length, and amount, are entered automatically in the new appointment.
2. The Select View dialog box displays in a new window.
3. Select an Appointment Book view, then click OK. The New Appointment Information dialog box displays.

4. Enter the appointment details, and click Pin Board to hold the appointment while you navigate to the desired date for the appointment.
5. Drag the new appointment from the Pinboard onto the schedule.
The Scheduling Assistant is a great tool that will simplify your office’s scheduling workflow.
Additional Information
- View the Feature Overview video on the Scheduling Assistant in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 to learn more.
- View the Scheduling Assistant section of the Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 Release Guide to learn more about this feature. To learn more about Dentrix Enterprise, visit the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center. Both the Knowledgebase and Enterprise Training Videos are included with your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan.