We’re about to start a new decade in 2020 which brings to mind new beginnings. We wanted to start the new year with an updated list of all the great learning resources available to help you have the best year yet! Have you or someone in your office ever asked a question such as:
- Which report will show me all our accounts receivable totals?
- How can I copy an Appointment Book view to a new provider?
Did you know there are answers right at your fingertips? To help make using Dentrix Enterprise easier for you and your team this year, here is a list of some of our best learning resources available to you:
One of the best resources we have available for you is right here in the Dentrix Enterprise Blog. We post weekly software tips and tricks on how to best use Dentrix Enterprise. In addition to helpful tips, you’ll find information about new product announcements and read industry related articles from our Product Management team. To get the most from the blog, remember to subscribe and you’ll get an email notification each time there is a new post.
Get the latest Dentrix Enterprise news, software tips, articles, and product releases by signing up for the eNewsletter delivered directly to your inbox.
We have an entire library of resources available to organizations who are signed up with a customer service plan. The Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center provides both a Knowledgebase of helpful articles and resources, such as software user guides, and a suite of online training courses designed to help onboard new users to the software or increase the skills of current users. Just log in with your customer service account ID and ZIP code and an entire library of training content is just a few clicks away.
The Dentrix Enterprise HELP MENU
The Help menu in the software is one of the best resources available to you. You can search by topic and access detailed help files on every module and tool in the software. To access the Help menu from any module, click Help > Contents from the toolbar. You can also access the Dentrix Enterprise Help files online.
Our Customer Support team is not just for helping you solve technical issues. We’re here to help when you need it the most! Live customer support is available Monday – Thursday from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm MST, and Friday from 6:00 am – 5:00pm Mountain Time. You can call, email, or click-to-chat online with a member of our support team today.
Does your organization need extra training help? Did you know you can request a custom training solution for your organization? Request a training session by a certified Dentrix Enterprise Trainer.