Electronic Claims
Dentrix Enterprise now has an eClaim connection with the following payors (if any of your patients are using these carriers, you can reduce paper claims and submit claims through Dentrix Enterprise instead):
Payor ID | Payor Name |
26374 | Southland Benefit Solutions |
MAP | Travis County MAP |
Electronic Eligibility Verification
You can now verify patient insurance eligibility electronically with the following payors:
Payor ID | Payor Name |
DDCA3 | Delta Care USA Encounters |
DDCA3 | Delta Care USA/PMI-Encounters Only |
DDCA3 | Private Medical Care (PMI) – Encounters Only |
GI813 | Managed Dental Guard |
GI813 | Guardian Individual Plan |
UTUDD | Dentist Direct LLC |
To view the entire list of electronic payor connections, see our Payor Search Tool.
Call 800-734-5561 for help setting up any of these services or to enroll in eClaims.