Do you ever wish you could write a general note on the chart that isn’t attached to any clinical or procedure note? In Dentrix Enterprise 11.0, the Patient Chart features a new digital notepad called Chart Notes. The new Chart Notes feature is non-sequential, so think of it as a digital sticky note for jotting down temporary notes.

Chart Notes can be used to document patient preferences, sensitivities, declined treatment, or even as a temporary “to do” list. For example, a chart note may indicate that the patient prefers having a blanket and headphones during treatment or that they prefer a certain flavor of fluoride, etc.

Chart Notes
The Chart Notes feature in the Patient Chart in Dentrix Enterprise 11.0.

The Chart Notes tool shows you a quick view of patient clinical preferences without the impact of a pop-up alert. Keep these in mind when using the Chart Notes feature:

  • The notes are always visible in the Patient Chart and there is no way to hide them from view.
  • The Chart Notes window can pop out of the Patient Chart for better viewing by clicking .
  • Chart Notes cannot be locked.
  • Chart Notes can be deleted.
  • Chart Notes can be up to 8,000 characters and you can check the spelling by clicking .
  • Use caution and refrain from listing any long-term clinical or private patient information.

Chart Notes is just one of the many great features introduced in Dentrix Enterprise 11.0. Please visit to learn how these features can help you achieve your mission to provide better, faster, and easier patient care. 

Additional Information

  • For more information, see the Dentrix Enterprise 11.0 Release Guide’s section on Entering Chart Notes.
  • To learn more about Dentrix Enterprise, visit the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center. Both the knowledgebase and training videos are included with your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan.