Recently, a question was posted in our Dentrix Enterprise Users Facebook Group (if interested, you can join our Enterprise Users Group here) from a user asking if there was a way to view how much their clinic billed to secondary insurance. We thought this would be a great tip to share with everyone.
The Insurance Carrier Production Report is a great way to view how much production your office has billed to primary and secondary insurances. The report breaks down production per insurance plan based on a time frame you set. For example, you can run this report to see how much production your clinic billed to insurance during the past year, month, or a defined date range.
To run an Insurance Carrier Production Report, in the Office Manager, open DXOne Reports. Click on Management and then double-click Insurance Carrier Production.
Most of the report options are pretty straight forward, with one exception. You may want to look at Financial Class Options. You can assign carriers a financial designation or “class,” so they can be grouped as you wish. Some default options are Medicare, CHIP, or private.

The report itself is also pretty straight forward. Data is in rows showing each carrier, the primary production amount, secondary production amount, insurance payment amount, and any credit or debit adjustments. The report will also give you grand totals for each.
Give this report a try in your clinic today. You may find you’ll want to run this report on a regular basis.

Additional Information
- View the Insurance Carrier Production Report Help file to learn more about this topic.