One great thing about Dentrix Enterprise is that there are many places you can add and track notes about your patients, whether they be notes about clinical treatment, upcoming appointments, or a recent phone conversation. All of these notes increase your ability to provide the best patient care.
With so many different types of notes in Dentrix Enterprise, it can be challenging to ensure that your staff enters notes into the appropriate places. If notes are being documented differently from site to site in your organization, it can make finding and accessing key patient information difficult and inefficient. For example, you don’t want to have financial notes entered into your clinical notes by mistake.
With this in mind, we’ll review the different kinds of notes you can enter in Dentrix Enterprise, their purpose and use, and from which modules you can access these notes. Notes will be divided into the following areas: Scheduling Notes, Patient Information Notes, Financial Notes, Insurance Notes, and Treatment Notes.
This week, we’ll tackle Scheduling Notes. In future blog posts, we’ll cover the other types of notes in Dentrix Enterprise.
Scheduling Notes
Appointment Note: Appointment notes are added in the New Appointment Information window and usually reference special situations that the office should be aware of before seeing a patient. The Appointment Note can be printed on the patient route slip and a blue music note symbol will display on the upper-right hand corner of the appointment in the Appointment Book. For more information, see the Scheduling appointments for existing patients Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Appointment Book Day Note: Appointment Book Day Notes are available for each day of the year and are generally used to keep track of information for a certain date. Appointment Book Day Notes can be entered by double-clicking the Note button and are visible on each workstation in the office. Keep in mind these notes are not specific to a patient. For more information, see the Appointment Book day notes Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Continuing Care Motivational Note: The Motivational Note is available in the Continuing Care type dialog box. You can enter a note from the Edit Continuing Care window. This note was designed to create personalized messages to be printed on continuing care reminder cards. You can also use the note to keep track of special circumstances related to continuing care. For more information, see the Assigning continuing care Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Lab Case Notes with DDX: If you use DDX (Digital Dental Exchange) to submit your lab cases electronically, you can add a note to those lab cases. These notes should specifically regard the lab case you are sending to your Lab. You can add notes to a case even after a case has been submitted. For more information, see the Submitting lab cases with DDX Dentrix Enterprise Help topic.

Additional Information
- For the Appointment Book Day Note, there is no character limit. However, only 157 characters will print on the Appointment Book View.
- For the Appointment Note, there is no limit to how many characters may be entered, but only 80 characters will print on the route slip.
- To learn more about Dentrix Enterprise, visit the Dentrix Enterprise Resource Center. Both the Knowledgebase and Enterprise Training Videos are included with your Dentrix Enterprise Customer Service Plan.