Use Dentrix Enterprise eClaims for your insurance claim submissions to better refine your collection process.

Insurance claim reimbursement represents more than 50% of the revenue for a typical dental office and is often the first form of payment toward a procedure. When deciding how to collect from carriers, consider both how to optimize cash flow and maximize the usefulness of employee time.

Here are the top eight significant advantages Dentrix Enterprise eClaims provides over other means of insurance claim submission.

1- Less time submitting claims – Dentrix Enterprise eClaims is faster than third-party electronic claims services because fewer steps are required to submit claims. You submit them directly from Dentrix Enterprise. Other solutions require multiple steps that include selecting the appropriate print driver, printing the claims ‘electronically’, and opening the third-partly software before finally submitting the claims, adding significant time.

2- Fewer rejections – Dentrix Enterprise eClaims validates every claim and provides you with actions to take to avoid delays or rejections. The system provides warnings when an omission might result in a delay or rejection. It provides rejection notices when an omission or incorrect information is certain to result in a rejection. Any edits that you make, such as adding an NPI number, are updated in Dentrix Enterprise.

3- Faster reimbursement – Because Dentrix Enterprise validates every claim for basic claim requirements data and sends it to one of the largest lists of payors in the dental industry, more of your claims are received by carriers complete and in an electronic format for faster adjudication. Plus, Dentrix Enterprise eClaims can be tracked from submission through reimbursement, so you know your claim was received.

4- Easier attachment process – Dentrix Enterprise eClaims integrates its attachment solution directly into the claim submission workflow within Dentrix Enterprise. Your attachments can be sent with your claims, rather than through a separate process that adds extra steps and can create delays. You can even add an attachment using the screen capture tool for situations where the X-ray or image isn’t stored in Dentrix Enterprise.

5- Full electronic claim roundtrip – Dentrix Enterprise eClaims allows you to receive an electronic ERA directly into Dentrix Enterprise. This completes a full electronic claim roundtrip and eliminates the need for manual entry for ERAs from carriers providing this connection. From the same window where you process your eERAs, you can send billing statements to patients with an outstanding balance.

6- No claims left behind – Dentrix Enterprise eClaims allows you to run a process to identify all procedures that have been posted but not sent to the carrier. With the click of a button, you can submit these claims electronically. Run this process routinely to ensure that no claims have been left behind.

7- No more runaround – With Dentrix Enterprise eClaims, you know that the insurance carrier has received your claim because of the post-submission reporting. A variety of available reports help you manage your claims more efficiently and with greater peace of mind.

8- No more mailing claims – With Dentrix Enterprise eClaims, you don’t need to know which insurance carriers have an electronic connection; you can submit all your claims electronically. Claims designated for payors that don’t support an electronic connection will automatically be printed and mailed for you at the same low cost.

To talk to a specialist, call 844.635.0323 or visit our website at